Hi and welcome to my personal website. My name is Mammad Hasanli, and my professional journey began at Azercell Telecom LLC as a call center representative. It has been almost 13 years with Azercell, and my journey is still ongoing. Despite the challenges of working in a call center, it was a pleasure to help people.

After two years in the call center role, I received a promotion to the second support line. In this position, I collaborated with the related departments within the organization to deliver the handled answers to the customers. Following this, I decided to move back to the call center as a team head. Growing up in a call center, I knew exactly how agents felt, and I continuously inspired them. Simultaneously, I managed and delivered many significant projects that had a huge impact on call center operations.

After leading the call center for four years, I was selected to build a digital customer care team from scratch. I was excited and ready for the challenge. Within the next three years, I hired, taught, and motivated 20 agents and one team head. During this process, I always communicated clearly with my team, comparing our progress to building a car part by part. Within that period, 65% of my employees received promotions, and I did everything in my power to support their advancement.

After three years of leading this amazing team, I felt that the ‘car’ had been built and was moving in the right direction. It was time for me to explore new horizons, leading me to change my position to Senior Product Owner in the marketing team. Partnering with other organizations, we brought a product to our organization and developed it with our IT team.

I quickly adapted to the role, and after a while, management offered me a change in position to Senior Product Manager, leading one of the main directions in the organization – the B2C postpaid direction. In this role, I was in charge of all product-related matters and led all B2C postpaid projects independently.

Currently, I am leading a new strategic business project for the organization, reporting directly to the CMO. I believe that we are here to continuously learn, develop, and make the most of this life and not forgot to enjoy!